Why does an octopus have 9 brains?

Thanks to their nine brains, it seems that octopuses have the benefit of both localized and centralized control over their actions. As crazy as it sounds, octopuses have nine brains, making them the most intelligent invertebrates on the planet. This has led to many octopus experiments to better understand their unique personalities and capabilities. The giant Pacific octopus has three hearts, nine brains and blue blood, which makes reality stranger than fiction. The idea is that when a male and a female octopus mate, the male approaches with his specialized arm and delicately deposits one or two packages of sperm under the female's mantle.

In addition to a central brain located between the eyes, octopuses have separate “mini-brains” at the base of each of their eight tentacles. Over the course of two weeks, one person fed a group of octopuses regularly, while another person touched them with a bristling stick. However, new and future fields, such as soft robotics and artificial intelligence, are beginning to look towards the innovation opportunity presented by octopuses. These tentacles carry a powerful and painful poison: the common octopus is immune, but it can inflict its effects on involuntary predators and prey.

So how can an octopus fully control its eight flexible limbs? The answer lies in your partially decentralized nervous system. BOSTON Mythology and superstition have portrayed octopuses as alien beings or evil creatures that inhabit the terrifying and dark depths of the oceans. This is just one of many facts that highlight how different the anatomy of the nervous system of an octopus is compared to that of vertebrates and many other invertebrates. Jon adds: “Octopuses seem to be able to recognize individuals outside their own species, including human faces.

The eight tentacles (arms) of octopus are equipped with one or more rows of suction-cup discs, hooks, and other adhesive structures that help them catch prey. Discovered in 1998 in Indonesia, this octopus does not copy the rocks, reefs and algae that surround it like other octopuses, but rather disguises itself as other animals that predators tend to avoid. When an octopus is startled, it will release ink in a direction that will simultaneously propel it in the opposite direction. Each arm is controlled by an elaborate nervous system that consists of more than 40 million neurons connected to the octopus's suction cups.

Octopuses are known to explore objects through play, and can recognize and distinguish between individual people. In shallow water species it can last up to three months, but some octopuses take their level of care to the extreme. At the end of the experiment, the octopuses behaved differently from the “nice” and the “bad” caregiver, confirming that the octopuses could distinguish the two individuals, even though they wore identical uniforms.

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